Laura Mobbs
Provisional Psychologist / Clinical Masters Candidate
Laura is a Provisional Psychologist who is currently in her final semester of her Masters of Clinical Psychology at Western Sydney University.
Laura received her Bachelor of Psychology with First Class Honours at Macquarie University where her Honours thesis investigated the impact of visual attention and visual adaptation on the attitudinal and perceptual components of Body Image Disturbance. She also presented on this topic at the Australasian Councill of Undergraduate Research Conference
For her Master’s thesis, Laura is examining the efficacy of Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. Through this research, Laura aims to identify distinct profiles of maintaining processes among individuals with Social Anxiety in order to increase treatment efficacy.
Laura has clinical experience working with children and their families at the Western Sydney University Psychology clinic, including employing evidence-based interventions for children with externalising behaviours, anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability.
Looking ahead, Laura plans on completing the Clinical Registrar program to obtain her clinical endorsement after completing her Masters in Clinical Psychology at the end of 2023. She is passionate about working with children and their families to create and nurture warm and responsive relationships.
Laura is currently completing her final placement with the PCRC and is engaged in the PCIT program at the Ingleburn Public School and Condell Park Public School PCIT School Clinics. Laura is also a casual sessional tutor and marker in childhood and developmental psychology at Macquarie University.